Action Bar

Anything on this page is subject to change throughout the development progress of the game. We will thoroughly test and validate any feature before it goes live.


The Action Bar (a.k.a. QTE) mechanic enhances the gameplay experience by providing a skill-based challenge when attempting a shot or finisher. When the player presses the "Shoot" button, a bar appears on the screen with an arrow that moves back and forth within the bar. To successfully complete the action, the player must release the button while the arrow is in the green sector.

Depending on the distance between the player and the basket, after the Action Bar is completed, the player will either perform a shot or a finisher. The size of the green sector in the Action Bar depends on several factors, including the distance between the player and the basket, the player's Boosts, and the presence of defenders guarding the player. The green sector should be greater when the player is closer to the basket, has better Boosts, and is not being guarded by defenders.

In the Green Zone

Successfully hitting the green sector guarantees success, but defenders may still block the shot even if the player hits the green sector. The minimum success rate is 1%. The size of the green sector is calculated using the following formula:

Distance Modifier + Kong's Boost (Shooting / Finish) - Defender's Boost (Defense)


  • Distance (1-80% nonlinear growth from own basket to opponent's basket)

    • Zone 4 (own basket) - 1%

    • Zone 4 to Zone 3 (midline) - 10%

    • Zone 3 to Zone 2 (3pt line) - 30%

    • Zone 2 to Zone 1 (opponents' basket) - 80%

  • Kong's Boosts (Shooting/Finish divided by 5)

  • Defender's Boosts (Defense divided by 5, each active defender contributes their Defense)

EXAMPLE: Green Zone Size

  • Kong is at the 3-pt line with a Shooting Boost of 56 and no defenders. Zone 2 Distance (25%) + Shooting/5 (5%) = 30%. The green zone will make up 30% of the Action Bar, ensuring a 100% successful throw since there are no defenders between the attacker and the basket.

  • Kong is between the midline and 3-pt line with a Shooting Boost of 56 and a skilled defender on him with Defense of 79. Zone 3 mod (15%) + Shooting (5%) - Defender's Def/5 (15%) = 10%. The green zone will make up 10% of the Action Bar, ensuring a 100% successful throw if the player hits the green zone.

Green Zone Location:

The location of the green sector on the Action Bar is defined randomly, challenging the player's muscle memory. If players land their arrow in the yellow section, there is still a small chance the shot can be made.

Arrow Speed

The speed of the arrow moving back and forth within the bar sets the difficulty level of the Action Bar mechanic - slower is easier, faster is harder. The basic speed is 1 second for the arrow to go from the start to the end of the Action Bar arrow. The speed of the arrow is calculated using the following formula:

Basic speed (100% or 1 sec) + Kong's Boost - Defenders Boost

EXAMPLE: Arrow Speed

  • Kong has Shooting Boost of 56, no defenders: Basic Speed (100% or 1 sec) + Kong's Shooting (56% or 0.56 sec) = 1.56 sec

  • Kong has Shooting Boost of 56 and there is a skilled defender on him with Defense Boost of 79: Basic Speed (100% or 1 sec) + Kong's Shooting (56% or 0.56 sec) - Defender's Def (79%) = 0.77 sec

  • Kong has a shooting Boost of 56 and there are two defenders on him Defense Boosts of 34 and 72: Basic Speed (100% or 1 sec) + Kong's Shooting (56% or 0.56 sec) - Defender's 1 Def (34%) - Defender's 2 Def (72%) = 0.5 sec


The Action Bar will automatically end after a while to prevent the player from holding onto the button indefinitely. Action Bar ends when,

  • Button has been released

  • The arrow has run back and forth the action bar 2 times, which results in an automatic fail

  • The ball has been stolen

Last updated